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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Command and Conquer Generals cheats

Change Cost of weapons:
Backup the file before editing!!!

It is possible to edit the INI.big file in your game directory. But you have to use a Hex-Editor.
Do not change the lenght of the file or the game will not boot again..
Just Overwrite the Text you need.
Search for "BuildCost" and overwrite it like
"BuildCost = 2000" Orig.
"BuildCost = 0000" Faked.
Do not DELETE anything.

Hack: All Badges:
This involves editting a game file, so make a back-up before proceeding.

Go locate the command and conquer generals data folder. It can be found in driveletter:\my documents\ -or- driveletter:\documents and settings\administrator\ (WinXP). Locate and use Notepad (or a similar text editor) to open skirmishstats.ini You want to copy over the contents of the whole file with the following:

BestWinStreak = 999
Challenge = 0
Honors = 999999999999999
LastHouse = China
LoyalGames = 999
Nuke = 100
PPC = 100
SCUD = 100
WinStreak = 999
Wins = 999
maps\alpine assault\alpine assault.map_4 = 100
maps\armored fury\armored fury.map_4 = 100
maps\dark mountain\dark mountain.map_4 = 100
maps\desert fury\desert fury.map_4 = 100
maps\fallen empire\fallen empire.map_4 = 100
maps\final crusade\final crusade.map_4 = 100
maps\fortress avalanche\fortress avalanche.map_4 = 100
maps\golden oasis\golden oasis.map_4 = 100
maps\heartland shield\heartland shield.map_4 = 100
maps\homeland alliance\homeland alliance.map_4 = 100
maps\lone eagle\lone eagle.map_4 = 100
maps\rogue agent\rogue agent.map_4 = 100
maps\sand serpent\sand serpent.map_4 = 100
maps\scorched earth\scorched earth.map_4 = 100
maps\silent river\silent river.map_4 = 100
maps\tournament desert\tournament desert.map_4 = 100
maps\tournament island\tournament island.map_4 = 100
maps\tournament lake\tournament lake.map_4 = 100
maps\tournament tundra\tournament tundra.map_4 = 100
maps\twilight flame\twilight flame.map_4 = 100
maps\wasteland warlords\wasteland warlords.map_4 = 100
maps\whiteout\whiteout.map_4 = 100
maps\winter wolf\winter wolf.map_4 = 100

Command & Conquer Generals Hint - Multi-Stratee-gery Center
Normally when you are the USA, you can only build one strategy center. But there is a way to get more than one. For this trick to work you must be either the GLA or China. Also, there must be at least one USA team on hard or brutal. You need to build a barracks and get the capture building upgrade. Wait until the USA team builds a strategy center. Make sure it is not destroyed. Before you capture it, capture their command center. Then, build a constuction dozer. Begin to capture the strategy center now, and at the same time begin building another one with your new construcion dozer. They will both be usable to you once they are finished, so you can use multiple strategies.

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Saturday, April 12, 2008

Need for speed: Hot pursuit 2 cheats

Cheat: No Police Chases
(Caution this cheat requires you to edit game files , create a copy of the file before editing)this cheat enables you to race without the hassle of being chased in any event. First go to the game directory and open the "AI" folder. Then open the "AIChaseDefs" configuration. Once open, change all the numbers in these four lines to say 0. Before: pursuitLevel_1_Duration=30 pursuitLevel_2_Duration=30 pursuitLevel_3_Duration=40 pursuitLevel_4_Duration=40 pursuitLevel_5_Duration=45 After: pursuitLevel_1_Duration=0 pursuitLevel_2_Duration=0 pursuitLevel_3_Duration=0 pursuitLevel_4_Duration=0 pursuitLevel_5_Duration=0
Once you have done that the police will only chase you for about 2 seconds.

Cheat: Car Edits

Open up the games files and search for a file named Championship.ini. PLEASE REMEMBER: Doing this may corrupt or ruin your game file or other computer functions, so attempt this AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Open the Championship.ini file and search for the following:


Edit those lines with this:


Doing this will unlock more standard cars for you to drive than would otherwise be immediately available.

Command Line Cheats
Create a shortcut to the nfshs.exe
executable in the drive_letter:...Need For Speed Hot pursuit 2
directory. Add the following command lines to the shortcut to turn on various cheats:

- player car is invisible to opponent
- locked events can be played
- disable confirmation
- disable movie demos
- no music
- no sound
- no reverberation
- no HUD
- disables mipmapping
- disables particle effects
- enable main menu
- cops only use choppers
- screenshots enabled

Game Pays You Money
Note this hack involves editting a game file, so make a back up before proceeding

Use a text editor to open the cars.
and tracks.
in the games directory. Proceed to change all numbers to negative values (i.e., -6000 instead of 6000) so when you unlock the car or track then the computer will pay you the price of the track or car. Be sure to save the file as its original extension.

Hack Out Cars and Tracks
NOTE - The following will alter your game files. It is highly suggested that you make a back-up copy of your files before you alter them beyond all recognition.

You can unlock all the cars and tracks by reducing the price of locked cars/tracks to either 0 or a very low value. To do this, simply use notepad to edit the cars.ini file in the following directory:

C:Program FilesEA GamesNeed For Speed Hot Pursuit 2Edit Cars

You can do the same for the Tracks.ini file in the directory

C:Program FilesEA GamesNeed For Speed Hot Pursuit 2Edit Car racks

When you reload the game you can see the results.

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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Doom 3 cheats

BFG Storage Cabinet:
In Delta Labs Level 2A there is a storage cabinet with a BFG. To unlock the door, enter the code 931.

Cabinet Lock Codes:
Enter these on the panels found on the numbered cabinets through out the game:

Cabinet - Code:
396 - #001
483 - #003
752 - #009
586 - #013
347 - #017
531 - #023
409 - #038
102 - #039
123 - #047
123 - #048
123 - #049
246 - #054
142 - #054 (second)
972 - #063
651 - #064
364 - #078
364 - #079
259 - #103
579 - #104
538 - #112

715 - #114
972 - #116
624 - #116 (second)
624 - #117
371 - #213
298 - #215
841 - #317
836 - #386
836 - #387
571 - #452
372 - #666
468 - #669
0508 - Martian Buddies 1 and 2
734 - Weapons Storage 1 and 2

Classic God Code:
Open up the console using Ctrl+A+~ and type iddqd. You'll get a secret message.

Demon E-mail:
Right before you leave the delta labs for the final time (just before the lift) there is an information console with the red Doom pentagram on it. Hit download and receive a funny message addressed to other demons. It's about tips to opening a portal. It discusses how fresh the virgin’s blood has to be and how big the pentagram should be.

Go Berserk:
During gameplay, bring up the console by pressing CTRL + ALT + ~ and type the following cheat: give berserk.

id Software PDA:
In the final level, Excavation Site, after going down the elevator into Hell, stick to the left wall. Make sure to stay to the left, or the final cutscene will trigger. You should come to a dead end with candles barely lighting a brick with the id logo in the center. Click this brick and a wall will open to your left. Walk inside the room to find the id Software PDA containing "Thank You" emails from the staff.

Martian Buddy Locker Code:
Go to for the Martian buddy locker code of 0508. The web site address is found in a spam mail on the pda of Alan Dorweiler.

Modify Def Files:
The def files for this game can be found in "doom/base/def". Open these files in a text editor to make modifications on all of the game variables. Note: Back up your definition files in a text file. Incorrectly modifying these files can have unwanted effects on your game and without a backup you may have to reinstall the game, erasing progress.

Nightmare Difficulty:
Beat the game.

PDA and Video:
give pda admin_banks
give pda admin_dorweiler
give pda admin_moses
give pda admin_simons
give pda alphalabs1_berger
give pda alphalabs1_krietman
give pda alphalabs1_lipsitz
give pda alphalabs1_smith
give pda alphalabs2_chin
give pda alphalabs2_connors
give pda alphalabs3_abrams
give pda alphalabs3_lamia
give pda alphalabs3_nelson
give pda alphalabs3_poota
give pda alphalabs4_kaczynski
give pda caverns1_cody
give pda comm1_blake
give pda comm1_finch
give pda comm1_wolfe
give pda comm1_wolfe
give pda commoutside_holiday
give pda commoutside_ridge
give pda cpu_bates
give pda cpu_haskell
give pda cpuboss_tooloose
give pda delta1_mora
give pda delta1_price
give pda delta2a_cinders
give pda delta2a_raleigh
give pda delta2a_wilson
give pda delta2b_bullman
give pda delta2b_erikson
give pda delta2b_mcneil
give pda delta2b_stemmons
give pda delta3_cerano
give pda delta3_lee
give pda delta3_shultz
give pda delta4_gilbert
give pda delta5_jackson
give pda delta5_swann
give pda enpro_chasar
give pda enpro_hammer
give pda enpro_raad
give pda hell_garlick
give pda hell_hebert
give pda marscity2_caseon
give pda marscity2_duncan
give pda marscity2_stanton
give pda marscity2_tyson
give pda mc1_berneche
give pda mcunderground_baston
give pda mcunderground_delahue
give pda mcunderground_ryan
give pda mcunderground_young
give pda monorail_cullen
give pda monorail_harding
give pda monorail_hollies
give pda monorail_ross
give pda recycling1_garza
give pda recycling1_sadowayj
give pda recycling2_johnson
give pda recycling2_moen
give pda site3_davis
give pda site3_rogers
give video epd - Download Video disk with content
give video hydrocon
give video mfs
give video bfg
give video chaingun
give video demon_museum
give video ian_report
give video ipn_news
give video plasmagun
give video recycling
give video soulcube
give video tablets

Skip Intro:
There is a game bug that let's you start the first actual level with full health, armor and a shot gun. It also skips the whole introducion. Start a new game, and make a 180 degree turn and run forward. If done correctly you should fall to your death. (do you do everything a stranger tells you to?) Now say "Restart Level" and it will start you at the beginning of Mars City.

Super Turkey Puncher 3:
When you start the game, go through out the game and find the kitchen before 'all hell breaks loose' and in the corner of the kitchen you'll find an arcade game...On the screen is the face of the original Doom character...And he also makes the same faces when you punch and kill the turkey... Get a highscore of 25,000 or higher to get a mail on your PDA.

Third Person Mode:
Press CTRL and ALT and ~ ( Above the TAB key ) to bring up the command console in a single player game.

Change the angle your character is viewed in thirdperson. 180 is a front view - pm_thirdPersonAngle [Value]
Change the distance the camera is from you in third person. 0 is a face view, 80 is default - pm_thirdPersonRange [Value]
Change the height you are viewed in third person. Negative numbers are below normal - pm_thirdPersonHeight [Value]
Play from third person with your HUD, crosshair - pm_thirdpersondeath 1

Various Codes:
Press CTRL + ALT + ~ to bring up the console. Press is again to get rid of the console. Here you can enter these cheats:

God Mode: god
All Weapons, Full Health, Full Armor: give all
Walk through walls: noclip
Saves a demo game to an .AVI movie file: aviDemo
Game Benchmark: benchmark
Skip to last level: doomhell
Freeze all on screen: freeze
Graphics card information: gfxinfo
Invisibility to most enemies: notarget
Show FPS: com_drawfps 1
Acquire all keys: give keys
Your game status: status
Quit or Exit: quit
Machinegun: give weapon_machinegun
Shotgun: give weapon_shotgun
Plasmagun: give weapon_plasmagun
BFG: give weapon_bfg
Chainsaw: give weapon_chainsaw
Rocket Launcher: give weapon_rocketlauncher
Mars City 1:
Mars City Underground:
Mars City 2:
Alpha Labs Sector 1:
Alpha Labs Sector 2:
Alpha Labs Sector 3:
Alpha Labs Sector 4:
EnPro Plant:
Communications Transfer:
Monorail Skybridge:
Recycling Sector 2:
Delta Labs Level 1:
Delta Labs Level 2A:
Delta Labs Level 2B:
Delta Labs Level 3:
Delta Labs Level 4:
Delta Complex:
CPU Complex:
Central Processing:
Site 3:
Caverns Area 1:
Caverns Area 2:
Primary Excavation:
Characters Type “spawn” and the name of the character to spawn them.
Flaming Zombie: monster_zombie_bernie
Chainsaw Zombie: monster_zombie_sawyer
Z-sec Zombie with machine gun: monster_zombie_zsec_machinegun
Z-sec Zombie with pistol: monster_zombie_zsec_pistol
Z-sec Zombie with shield: monster_zombie_zsec_shield
Z-sec Zombie with shotgun: monster_zombie_zsec_shotgun
Commando Zombie: monster_zombie_commando
Commando Zombie with Chaingun: monster_zombie_commando_cgun
Fat Zombie: monster_zombie_fat2
Fat Zombie with wrench: monster_zombie_fat_wrench
Bald Zombie: monster_zombie_maint_bald
Zombie with no jaw: monster_zombie_maint_nojaw
Zombie with Wrench: monster_zombie_maint_wrench
Skinny Zombie: monster_zombie_maint_skinny
Zombie: monster_zombie_maint
Zombie: monster_zombie_maint2
Zombie wth Flashlight: monster_zombie_ maint_flashlight
Headless Zombie: monster_zombie_suit_neckstump
Zombie: monster_zombie_suit_bloodymouth
Skinny Zombie: monster_zombie_suit_skinny
Zombie in Labcoat: monster_zombie_labcoat
Zombie Missing Limb: monster_zombie_limb
Zombie: monster_zombie_skinny
Zombie with a pipe: monster_zombie_pipe
Zombie in T-shirt: monster_zombie_tshirt_bald
Zombie: monster_zombie_tshirt_blown
Zombie in Jumpsuit: monster_zombie_jumpsuit
Zombie Eating: monster_zombie_jumpsuit_eating
Archvile: monster_demon_archvile
Cherub: monster_demon_cherub
Hellknight: monster_demon_hellknight
Imp: monster_demon_imp
Maggot: monster_demon_maggot
Mancubus: monster_demon_mancubus
Pinky: monster_demon_pinky
Revenant: monster_demon_revenant
Tick: monster_demon_tick
Trite: monster_demon_trite
Wraith: monster_demon_wraith
Cyberdemon: monster_boss_cyberdemon
Gaurdian: monster_boss_guardian
Guardian’s Seeker: monster_boss_guardian_seeker
Sabaoth: monster_boss_sabaoth
Vagary: monster_boss_Vagary

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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Need for speed most wanted cheats

Enter one of the following codes at the "click to continue" screen to activate the corresponding cheat function
Cheat Effect
burgerking Unlocks Burger King Challenge
castrol Exclusive Castrol Ford GT
Unlock All Cars
On the Press Start screen, input iammostwanted
Hint: Straight Drivin'
Engaging nitrous oxide shifts the weight of the car and in layman's terms, your car will attempt to straighten out. Combined with speedbreaker, it is possible to take on almost any turn without an appreciable loss of speed.
Hint: Re-Random Pink Slip
After defeating a blacklist rival, you may opt to take the pink slip from them. Since the contents of the pink slip is randomized, you should make an effort to save the game before racing a rival -- reload the game and restart the race if you get something you do not want.
Hint: Roll Over Spike Strips
When approaching an6y roadblock with a heat level greater than four, use the slow-motion effect to avoid spikes strips completely.
Hint: Bounty Increase
You can raise your bounty as much as you want and complete that part of your milestones. First get in a pursuit and then find a ledge (ex. on top of the buses at the bus station) go as closes to the end of the buses away from the up ramp as possible without falling off and without a cop following you up the ramp. Then sit there and watch the cops go crazy. It's better if your heat is 2 or up as the lower level cops will sometimes lose sight of you and you'll cool off. At higher levels though the police will hover below you ramming into each other and everything else. This destroys their vehicles which in turn raises you bounty and length of your pursuit. You can sit there as long as you like but check behind you periodically just to make sure one of them hasn't gotten smart enough to come up the ramp. The highest I've gotten off one pursuit is almost 6 million bounty.

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Friday, April 4, 2008

Quake 4 Cheats

Quake 4 Cheats List
Create a shortcut to the Quake4 executable and edit the shortcut's command line with the suffix +set com_allowConsole 1 to enable the console. Note if the command line uses quotations, add the suffix outside of the quotes.

While playing, press CTRL + ALT + ~ to drop the console (or just tilde) and enter the codes as you like:

god ... Invulnerability
undying ... Player stops taking wounds at 1 health
noclip ... Clipping toggle
give all ... Stocks all weapons and items
give armor ... Stocks body armor
give health ... Stocks life/health
give ammo ... Stocks ammunition
Spawn ... Spawn command used in conjunction with a target

  • Spawn weaponmod_hyperblaster_bounce2
  • Spawn weaponmod_lightinggun_chain
  • Spawn weaponmod_machinegun_ammo
  • Spawn weaponmod_nailgun_power
  • Spawn weaponmod_nailgun_seek
  • Spawn weaponmod_nailgun_rof
  • Spawn weaponmod_nailgun_ammo
  • Spawn weaponmod_railgun_penetrate
  • Spawn weaponmod_rocketlauncher_burst
  • Spawn weaponmod_rocketlauncher_homing
  • Spawn weaponmod_shotgun_ammo

listcmd ... List all documented commands
listcvar ... Dsiplay all cvars
listentities ... Display all Q4 entities
listmonsters ... Display all Q4 monsters/enemies

Quake 4 Cheat: Level - Skip Commands
  • airdefense1: Air Defense Base (beginning of game)
  • airdefense2: Air Defense Trenches
  • convoy2: Aqueducts
  • convoy2b: Aqueducts Annex
  • convoy1: Canyon
  • walker: Construction Zone
  • network2: Data Networking Security
  • network1: Data Networking Terminal
  • process2: Data Processing Security
  • storage2: Data Storage Security
  • dispersal: Dispersal Facility
  • process1: game/process1
  • storage1: game/storage1
  • hangar1: Hangar Perimeter
  • hangar2: Interior Hangar
  • mcc_landing: MCC Landing Site
  • core1: Nexus Core
  • hub2: Nexus Hub
  • hub1: Nexus Hub Tunnels
  • mcc_1 Operation: Advantage
  • mcc_2 Operation: Last Hope
  • building_b: Perimeter Defense Station
  • putra: Putrification Center
  • recomp: Recomposition Center
  • medlabs: Strogg Medical Facilities
  • core2: The Nexus
  • tram1: Tram Hub Station
  • tram1b: Tram Rail
  • waste Waste: Processing Facility
Quake 4 Cheat: Speed

To alter your character’s speed to any variable you desire, bring down the console where you can type in commands and type in “Pm_speed #” where # = the speed you want for your character. Be sure there’s an underscore between Pm and speed and a space between speed and the number, or the cheat won’t work.

Quake 4 Skip Movies
Add +disconnect to the shortcut's command line. This may be used in conjunction with the dev-console activator.

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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Counter-strike condition zero cheats

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Cheats:
When in game press the [~] key to drop down the console. Type "sv_cheats 1" and then "restart" to enable cheat mode. When the mission restarts press the [~] key.

god - God mode
fly - Flight mode
noclip - Free movement
notarget - Enemies cannot see you
impulse 101 - Get some weapons
give - Spawn an indicated item (see the list below)
bot_kill - Kill all bots
bot_kill - Kill specified bot
bot_stop 1 - Freeze all bots
bot_stop 0 - Unfreeze all bots
bot_allow_rogues 0 - Teammates always follow your orders
bot_defer_to_human 0 - Teammates will accomplish goals themselves
bot_defer_to_human 1 - Bots will accomplish goals themselves
bot_difficulty # - Set bot skill level to # (number 0-3)
restart - Restart map with goals intact
maps * - List all maps
changelevel - Change map
cl_levellocks 16382 - All deleted scenes missions
sv_restart 1 - Restart round
sv_restartround 1 - Restart round
sv_ - List all available codes

Item names:
Use one of the following values with the "give [name)" code to spawn the indicated item:


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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Dynasty Warrior 6 Xbox cheats

Hi gamers,

More cheats from the console here. Dynasty Warriors 6 is the new game that is hitting high on the console market. Cheats for this game are becoming increasingly sought after. I have collected a handful of cheats that will definitely make your gaming experience better.

* To unlock the character Lu Bu, complete Mussuo Mode with the following characters: Liu Bei, Cao Cao, Sun Jian, and Diao Chan.

* Want to unlock the entire officer roster? Check your mission targets. They are the key to unlocking new characters!

* An officer unlocks his/her second costume upon reaching level 25.

* An officer who reaches level 50 (the maximum level) will unlock his/her voice gallery.

* Clearing Musou mode once with any officer will unlock Expert. Clearing Musou mode with at least one officer from all factions (Wei, Wu, Shu, and Unaffiliated/Other) will unlock the ever lovable Chaos difficulty.


All the achievements are secret, but they are all relatively simple. Get the majority of the achievements by unlocking new officers (just complete mission targets on Easy or Normal) and by completing the Musou mode with each officer (on any difficulty).

Additionally, there are achievements for completing all the mission targets and clearing all the stages (the latter probably pops up before the former).

Clear Musou mode with all the available officers (solo or co-op doesn’t matter, but all the officers available in Musou mode need to clear it). Additionally, all officers need to attain level 50 (which effectively maxxes out their skill tree).

Lastly, clear all stages (not targets) on Chaos difficulty. Yeah, good luck with this one!

While you guys check out these cheats and tips, I will hunt for more and be back shortly with more cheats to enhance your gaming experience !

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