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Monday, January 14, 2008

Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Cheats

Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Cheat: Level Select Menu Edit the hitman2.ini and change "DefaultScene=AllLevels/logos.gms" to "DefaultScene=AllLevels/levelmenu.gms

Note: When editing game files, always make a backup.

Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Cheat: Two Different Handguns at Once
Make sure that you are carrying these items: a rifle, the ballers, 2 pistols.
  • Drop the ballers on the floor
  • Pick up the rifle that just fell down (because you dropped the ballers)
  • Take a pistol in your hand (this pistol will go to your left hand, it cant be reloaded so I suggest you choose the 9mm Beretta)
  • Pick up the ballers
  • Take the other pistol that you are carrying in your hand.(this pistol will go to your right hand, and it doesn't need to be reloaded anymore, so I suggest you use the Dessert Eagle for this.
Note: that the pistol in your left hand will run out of ammo and you can't reload it anymore, but the pistol in your right hand doesn't need to be reloaded at all.

Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Cheat List Open your Hitman2.ini in the Hitman2 directory in a text editor and add EnableCheats 1 without quotations right below EnableConsole.

You can activate the following cheats by typing them in the game while playing.

  • IOIRULEZ or IOIRULEY - God Mode on/off
  • IOIGIVES - All Weapons and Items
  • IOIHITLEIF - Health
  • IOISLO - Slow motion on/off
  • IOIER - Bomb Mode on/off
  • IOIHITALI - Ali Mode on/off
  • IOILEPOW - Special attack Mode on/off
  • IOIGRV - The force of gravity Mode on/off
  • IOINGUN - Nail rifle Mode on/off
  • IOIPOWER - Mega Power

NOTE: If you have a U.S. keyboard, just type IOIRULEZ. On European keyboards the Z and Y change place so you have to type IOIRULEY.

NOTE: Make sure you don't enter the cheats too fast. Type them more or less slow

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